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Corpse Ambulance

Tridev Air and Train Ambulance Services is Available with Corpse Ambulance Services in Patna

Tridev Air & Train Ambulance Services is one of the few companies in India that also offers transportation of dead bodies at a very affordable price. Transportation of the corpse is understood as the transport of the corpse from the place of death to the funeral home or crematorium. Tridev offers both national and international corpse transport services.

Although the rules and regulations for shipping a corpse vary from country to country, some common documents that are required in almost all countries are the death certificate from the respective hospital, the passport or driver’s license or the voter card of the deceased, funeral permit, Certificate of Embalming, Certificate of No Objection (NOC) from the local police, the letter from the doctor stating that the deceased patient did not die of an infectious disease. Tridev also offers its clients support in all the steps to obtain the mentioned documentation and the approval of the different authorities. Tridev’s staff is very friendly and helpful. You can always reach out to them for help and they will surely help you when you need them. If you need an embalming service, Tridev can provide that service. You can even contact Tridev to ask for a coffin. In fact, all corpse transport processes are handled by professionals and sensitive people who transport the deceased in a very dignified manner. In addition, Tridev also allows relatives and friends of the deceased to accompany them.

Tridev Air and Train Ambulance

Tridev Air and Train Ambulance Services is always available to fulfil your evacuation needs.